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…pain and neck pain. It also stretches the hips, thighs and ankles. Standing Half Forward Bend – Ardha Uttanasana Standing Half Forward Bend, or Ardha Uttanasana, is a great Ajna Yoga pose as it stimulates and puts pressure on the third eye chakra (brow chakra). Besides awakening the sixth chakra, it will also improve posture and strengthen the back. Furthermore, this Ajna Yoga pose will stretch the front…

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…e disorders, and can assist in preserving vital fluids in the body. The Corpse Pose – Savasana (Shavasana) The Corpse Pose, or Savasana, is a pose of total relaxation. It relaxes your body and mind, and your central nervous system. The Corpse Pose can improve your sleep, reduce insomnia, and fatigue. It can also help relieve stress, headaches, and depression. Sup…

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…cond chakra. I know that life always supports me and takes care of me I welcome the comfort of others in times of need I am lovable and I am loved I welcome intimacy as one of life’s greatest pleasures Comforting another human being is one of the kindest things I trust the process of life Sacral Chakra Stones & Crystals Healing stones help the body to re-balance and heal itself, by absorbing negative energy from the body, and transmute it into pos…

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…for solar plexus chakra. Yoga for Solar Plexus Chakra – Warrior I Yoga for Solar Plexus Chakra – Warrior II Dhanurasana / Bow Posture Yoga for solar plexus chakra will stimulate the organs of the abdomen and stretch the entire front body, and the Dhanurasana, or Bow Posture (dhanu=bow, asana=posture), is particularly effective in doing so. It opens up your thi…

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…and the lungs, and strengthen the spine, back, shoulders, and arms. Camel pose – Ustrasana The Camel pose is great for balancing your fourth chakra. It will open up the chest area, making you more open to giving and receiving love. This heart chakra pose will stimulate the organs in the abdomen, and strengthen your back. It will also stretch your throat, chest, abdomen, and hips.…

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…sitions that you can use to balance your root chakra. Mountain Pose Mountain pose is great for balancing your base chakra, as it will connect you with the earth, your own body, and the present moment. Pay attention to how the energy flows through your body as you open the root chakra. As you do this pose for a minute or two, you will feel more centered, focused and calm. Stand barefoot with your arms at y…

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…as it strethces the abdominal organs, and helps with constipation. The Plow Pose – Halasana The Plow Pose, or Halasana, is very powerful in healing the throath chakra as it stimulates the thyroid gland, and stretches the shoulders and spine. This throat chakra healing pose can also aid headaches, bachache, insomnia, stress, fatigue, insomnia, and menopause. The…

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