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Spiritual Coaching

Spiritual CoachingLearn about Spiritual Coaching, and read about the difference between Spiritual Coaching and Life Coaching, in order to find the right kind of guidance. Also, find useful information if you want to become a Spiritual Coach.

Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about spiritual coaching, see below:



  1. What is a Spiritual Coach?
  2. Do I need a Spiritual Coach?
  3. What can I ask a Spiritual Coach?
  4. How does a Spiritual Coach work?
  5. What about Spiritual Coaching Qualifications?
  6. Summary: What is Spiritual Coaching?
  7. What is the difference between Spiritual Coaching and Life Coaching?
  8. How do I become a Spiritual Coach?


1. What is a Spiritual Coach?

A Spiritual Coach is often known as a “Life Coach for Spiritual People” or as “Spiritual Life Coach” – The goal with spiritual coaching is to find peace, harmony, happiness and joy. A Spiritual Coach inspires the client to focus on his/her own emotions and “inner voice” to fulfill the client’s personal needs.

A spiritual coach will work on the client’s personal transformation – The client will learn to see things from a new perspective, and will be able to deal with his/her feelings, needs and desires in a new way in order to find clarity, peace and harmony. From this place of inner peace, positive and ”real” changes will start manifesting.

Reach your full potential and find true happiness with Spiritual Coaching – Spiritual coaching will inspire the client to find his/her inner happiness, since external factors, like material things and people, can never make anyone truly happy. Harmony and happiness can only be achieved when we start listening to our emotions. This inner voice are always guiding us on the right path to our dreams. It is free from any limitations that stop us from being who we truly are. In other words, spiritual coaching is about helping the client to reach his/her full potential and blossom from inside. A spiritual coach can help you be the person you truly are; free from any limitations created by you ”ego”.


2. Do I need a Spiritual Coach?

If you are unsure whether or not spiritual coaching can help you, answer the following questions: Do you feel like there is something missing in your life? Have you been seeking happiness through material things, without ever feeling true happiness? Are you looking for higher ways of being? Do you seek deeper answers to your questions? If the answer is yes, you may want to consider spiritual coaching. But what can a personal coach actually do for you?

Spiritual Coaching teaches you to listen to your ”inner voice” – This guidance system, called your ”inner voice” knows what’s best for you and can support you to be in harmony with your personal purpose in life. Spiritual coaching sessions will help you realize that your inner voice is just as important as your thoughts and can be used as a complement for better guidance through life.

Find clarity and inner strength with Spiritual Coaching – Spiritual coaching sessions will teach you how to deal with feelings and needs, by listening to your inner voice. You will find clarity and your inner strength to break free from limitations. This personal transformation will help you to fulfill your personal needs.

Spiritual Coaching guides you towards your inner joy – A personal coach can teach you how to find true joy within yourself, without having to depend on external things. Spiritual life coaching sessions can inspire you to live your life in full consciousness, appreciation and joy.


3. What can I ask a Spiritual Coach?

Ask anything you want! Spiritual Coaching helps you find clarity in any area of your life You can ask a Spiritual Coach any question you want, about your work, love life, parenting, health, etc. Spiritual coaching sessions can help you find clarity in any area of your life. You can also seek a Spiritual Life Coach if you want to work on broader areas in your life, in order to find peace and harmony. The reason for visiting a Spiritual Coach can be the feeling of something missing in your life, even though it seems like you have everything, looking from the outside. If you have this empty feeling, a Spiritual Life Coach can help you find true joy without depending on material things or other persons to make you happy. Spiritual coaching sessions will inspire you to find true joy within yourself and live a life in full consciousness. In other words, any client with any agenda can be coached with a spiritual approach.


4. How does a Spiritual Coach work?

A Spiritual Coach understands the agenda and knows what direction to follow A Spiritual Coach must first know what the client wants from the session. After the client’s agenda is clearly stated, the spirits of the Spiritual Coach and the client can be engaged. The personal coach may ask questions and give statements which may be rejected or accepted by the client. During the coaching session, the Spiritual Coach will carefully listen for how the information lands with the client and will know whether to pursue any particular insight or not. A question like “Is this a good place to explore for now” will help the personal coach to know what direction to follow. A spiritual coach can work with different tools. Intuition will be mainly used, but reasoning and strategy may be valuable tools as well.

A Spiritual Coach receives information through intuition – A personal coach can access valuable information during a session. The process is to closely listen to the client and at the same time tapping into the immaterial intelligence through intuition, visualization etc. Without any attachment to outcome, the Spiritual Life Coach then shares the received information. This feedback will work as a catalyst to support the client in shifting energies and then taking action from that place of inner strength.

A Spiritual Coach is no ”Guru” and doesn’t judge – A Spiritual Life Coach is not a ”Guru”, and doesn’t need to know more about spirituality than the client. A Spiritual Life Coach doesn’t have to be a ”spiritual teacher” or a ”guide”. It’s important, though, that a Spiritual Life Coach has an active spiritual life, and knows how to surrender to “spirit” and let the spirit guide his/her thoughts, decisions and actions. A Spiritual Coach has also a developed intuition and knows the difference between intuitive information and judgment or opinion. A Spiritual Coach is guided by ”The Spirit” and stays detached to outcome during the spiritual coaching sessions.

A Spiritual Coach has integrity – A Spiritual Life Coach has good boundaries and continually builds his/her integrity. A personal coach works with the client’s own beliefs, and never preaches or tries to convert a client to a religious or spiritual belief. The client’s own beliefs are encouraged by the Spiritual Life Coach and works as guidelines for the client’s own decision-making and actions.


5. What about Spiritual Coaching Qualifications?

A Spiritual Coach can be trained informally or attend classes and become a Certified Spiritual Coach (C.S.C). A Spiritual Life Coach can also have other credentials, such as Associate Certified Coach (ACC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC), and Master Certified Coach (MCC). To obtain these credentials, the coach must have 100-2500 hours of client coaching experience.


6. Summary: What is Spiritual Coaching?

Spiritual Coaching:

  • is often known as a “life coaching for spiritual people”
  • focuses on emotions and “inner voice”
  • helps you find true joy and peace
  • focuses on the inner workings of your mind, body, and soul
  • teaches how to deal with feelings, needs and wants
  • teaches how to break free of limitations through spirituality
  • focuses on personal transformation to fulfill needs (not external factors)
  • teaches you how to live from consciousness; how to live a full and aware life
  • Informal or Formal Qualifications: Certified Spiritual Coach (C.S.C), or/and ACC, PCC, MCC

Let us summarize what spiritual coaching is all about, with the following wise words:

“The Basis of Your Life is Freedom; the Purpose of Your Life is Joy.”
– Abraham Hicks


7. What is the difference between Spiritual Coaching and Life Coaching?

The terms ”Spiritual Coaching” and ”Life Coaching” can be somewhat confusing, so let’s find out the difference between these two coaching approaches.

Life Coaching focuses on tangible goals and results – Life coaching teaches new and effective ways to reach personal and professional goals. A life coach will work with the client’s self improvement to make sure that he/she becomes his/her very best in order to achieve wanted results. A life coach also assures that values and goals are in harmony, which will make positive results appear faster.

Spiritual Coaching focuses on feelings / intuition / inner voice – In order to stay motivated you need to fuel your inspiration with things you enjoy, and this is where Spiritual Coaching comes in. A Spiritual Coach teaches the client to listen to his/her feelings and intuition; also called ”inner voice” in order to find peace and happiness. Our ”inner voice” is our guidance system that will lead us on the right path towards inner peace and happiness. By listening to our feelings we will know if we are on the right path or not. When something feels right, it is our guidance system that is telling us that we are on the right path, but if something feels bad it is telling us that we are not on the right path, and that we need to make some adjustments. Spiritual coaching will guide you towards inner peace, and from there ”real” changes will start happening. Spiritual Life Coaching is another term for Spiritual Coaching, and basically means the same thing.

New Perspective with Spiritual Coaching and Life Coaching – Both Spiritual Coaching and Life Coaching will help you approach life in a different way in order to make changes. What kind of personal coach you choose, depends on where you want to make your journey. Both coaching approaches/teachings can be of value in order to reach your dreams. You need inspiration (spiritual coaching) in order to stay motivated (life coaching).

Follow your bliss – If you want to find clarity, listen to your ”inner voice” and follow your bliss. Your inspiration will always lead you to fulfillment and joy. Find your way and get inspired together with us at Catch up with the beautiful, worthy and amazing person that you already are. Catch up with your spirit and find true happiness!


8. How do I become a Spiritual Coach?

Read more here on “How to become a Spiritual Coach“.


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