Meditation is a procedure in which an individual uses relaxation techniques in order to cleanse their mind. It attempts to remove the individual from the stresses of their life and simplify their consciousness in a way that they remain conscious yet free of anxiety. Although meditation is originally associated with Asian religion and spiritual customs, it has been adopted in Western societies and a number of meditation procedures exist, including Mindful Meditation and Transcendental Meditation. See guided meditation VIDEO below.
There are myriad meditation techniques used around the world, some of which involve stillness, others of which involve motion. However, meditation almost invariably involves mental relaxation procedures.
Meditating on the beach
Mindful Meditation
In Mindful Meditation, one of the most popular meditation procedures in the United States, the individual selects a peaceful location to which they will return for each session. The location should be uncluttered and very quiet. The person then sits down (typically on the floor, although it is also acceptable to sit in a chair) with erect posture. It is very important that a person does not crouch as this restricts the flow of one’s energy. One’s eyes should be directed slightly downward as this frees the mind of distractions. Breathing is also very important, and should be relaxed. Thoughts should be discarded as they enter one’s consciousness, allowing people to distance themselves from their day-to-day anxieties. The objective is that after reentering these activities following the meditation session, people will have gained the perspective not to get anxious about such matters.
Transcendental Meditation
Another common meditation process is Transcendental Meditation. This is perhaps the most common meditation procedure (at least 5 million people are known to practice it) as it is quick and simple. The individual sits in a relaxed, upright position for 20 minutes with their eyes closed. Transcendental Meditation differs from sleep in that the individual does not reach a state of unconsciousness—the objective is that the person will become focused on the act of thinking, but from a context of peacefulness divorced from the anxiety-inducing environment of the workplace or public setting.
Guided Meditation
Guided meditation can be very useful for beginners. It involves listening to a live person, or a recording, to relax the body and mind. It is an easy and powerful way to eliminate stress. Guided meditations can be tailored to specific challenges. There are guided meditations for positive thinking, improved sleep, personal empowerment, emotional healing etc. Your guide will lead you through different relaxing visualizations, to help you enter into a state of deep relaxation and inner stillness. When this happens, you will be open to positive suggestions that will help you overcome your challenges.
We have featured a guided meditation video by David McGraw that you can use right now to increase positive emotions!
Meditation is used for overall wellness, and for spiritual growth and enlightenment. It helps you clear your mind, and focus on the present moment. Meditation relieves stress and is a wonderful tool for self-healing.
Meditation is applicable to all individuals, though it is useful in those who suffer from anxiety, mood swings, or a general negative perspective toward life. Even people with no history of anxiety often engage in meditation as it is a soothing, universally enriching procedure.
There are many benefits of mediation. It will improve your overall health and emotional well-being. You will have an increased self-awareness, feel better about yourself, focus on the present moment, and gain new perspective on stressful situations. Some research suggests that meditation might be useful if you have a medical conditions that may be worsened by stress. Meditation is said to reduce stress hormone levels, pain response, and blood pressure.
Another benefit of meditation is that it does not require money. There are also no pharmacological side effects to be taken into consideration. However, it does take time to become accomplished at meditation, and over the first couple of meditation sessions, a person may have great difficulty in blocking out negative thoughts. Although some people do take meditation classes, this is not necessary and meditation is literally as simple as dedicating 20 minutes per day. Like many therapeutic techniques, meditation allows the individual to disengage themselves from their external reality by becoming more acutely aware of the internal processes that produce their outlook toward their external reality. Meditation allows you to relax your entire body and mind. You will feel more present, fulfilled and happy as you practice meditation on a daily basis.