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Family Harmony – How to Create a Harmonious Family

By admin

Family harmony - How to create a harmonious familyFamily harmony is essential for a healthy relationship between family members. However, creating a harmonious life with a comfortable and happy atmosphere, can prove to be quite challenging for all couples. There could be many arguments and small fights that could cause the atmosphere to become cloudy, if you don’t deal with it and resolve it immediately. A harmonious family requires you to regard several factors, such as effective and open communication, discipline, and respect for each other. You must bring peace in the house, not necessarily silence.

Having consistent boundaries

This does not mean that you live in a shell without communicating with the rest of the family. You need to create boundaries in order to maintain discipline in the children. If you don’t do this, children might be rather confused. They may continue to do wrong things because they do not know they are wrong. Be an example to the family by adhering to these boundaries and not just making empty threats. For instance, acceptable behavior can be rewarded with treats, such as a trip to a park. Be consistent and don’t allow such decisions to slide.


Many of us do not possess the art of listening to others. Cultivate this art for creating a harmonious family. When talking to family members, try to listen and ask more questions. Wait for a pause in the conversation when they are telling you a story. Try and understand the family member and the way they think. Learning about them will strengthen the bonds and bring about a harmonious family. Modern lifestyles have had the detrimental effect of reducing communication due to televisions, computers, and video games that occupy time. Sit down together as a family and have talks and discussions to reduce tension and stress.

Sharing sorrows and happiness

Share the good and the bad with the family. Misunderstandings can cause friction in a family, but if you have a positive attitude and share your problems, it will bring about harmony. Allow family members to speak their minds in a respectful manner and value each other’s opinions. Try not to leave any unfinished business in the family as it can only drive members more apart from one another.

Happy Images

For good family harmony you should keep many happy images or pictures of your family all over the house, such as in the living room, the bedroom and also the kitchen. Have a family time when all of you are present and engage in a group activity at least once a week. Allow the children to choose the activity or outing sometimes. Try to eat meals together and go out to dinner occasionally as a treat. Try not to get angry, annoyed, or yell at one another when you want to express a differing opinion.

Fostering spiritual life

I have heard it said that a family that prays together also stays together. The spiritual aspect is very important in bringing about a harmonious family. Sit down together and pray as a family, or at least keep the communication lines about spirituality open. Family harmony will soon sink in.

Posted: June 24, 2013 at 8:23 pm
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