The concept of living an authentic life is perhaps a new one. A century ago, by the time you were forty you may well have been reaching the end of your life. With longer life expectancy, and retirement ages pushed further and further back, the working week becomes a never ending treadmill. If you feel […]
Most of the time, without even realizing what we’re doing, we continually circulate our thoughts and feelings in our heads. When referring to the word “thought” what is meant is any kind of image, feeling, or word that happens in the mind. There is a saying that states, ‘If you think you can or can’t […]
The law of attraction suggests that you think about something and thoroughly expect that to happen, and then it will definitely happen. The success of the law is dependent on your conviction, your confidence in your thinking, and the nature of the thought. Though it seems to be unreal to some people, it actually is […]
Inner dialogue, which consists of thoughts and beliefs, can be the key factor in whether one is successful, mediocre, happy, miserable, angry, etc. Beliefs are what cause some to be heroes and some to be villains. Beliefs have the ability to create or destroy. Beliefs can even change the actual physiology of our bodies. If […]
When “The Secret” first came out, people got very excited about putting the law of attraction at work for them. Plenty of people were visualizing and putting their faith in the manifestation of their desires and dreams. Over time though, some people lost heart because they did not experience their dreams coming true. They visualized, […]
If you want to fulfill your strongest desires, you should really read the book “Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting”! It’s a step-by-step guide towards manifesting everything you’ve ever wanted. Bestselling author Dr. Wayne W. Dyer will share with you everything he knows about “the Art of Manifesting”. What is possible? The book “Wishes […]
How often have we heard people complaining that they feel stuck in their lives, either because a relationship is not working, or because they feel they are in the wrong job or have not been able to fulfill any of their dreams? You might even be feeling stuck in life because you feel you are […]
One of the most difficult questions for us to answer in life is: What is my purpose and passion in life? Have you ever just been going through life day in and day out, going through the routines, the motions – and then for some reason in one instant these thoughts pop into your mind: […]