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Mind & Spirit
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We have gathered some of the most effective words of affirmation examples that you can work with to change your beliefs in any area of your life. Find powerful examples of affirmations that can help improve your health, love life, finances, state of being, self-esteem, and body weight. Check out the positive affirmation examples below […]

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You affirm / create every moment with your thoughts Subconsciously you are, with your words and thoughts, creating your life experience in every moment. This inner dialog is a stream of affirmations. What you think and say is a reflection of your inner beliefs. Your beliefs are just learned patterns of thoughts. It’s great if […]

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Learn from the best on how to be, do, have, anything you want! Abraham-Hicks will coach you on how to fulfill your dreams based on the Law of Attraction. Oprah will also share her wisdom on success, explaining how important it is to believe in yourself in order to be successful. Also, watch 10 amazing […]